The internet is a very good instrument to be connected  to the world, but it also can be very tricky, your not only have access to information everyday, you share your personal information too and you´re giving  access to this information to any stranger that like you, have a computer and wifi. Every day we post things like what we eat, our location, our thoughts, if we buy something, but we don´t think that it may be a person that we dont know, looking at this information, because perhaps we add some user on facebook or instagram that hides a different person and we don´t even notice. Because when you post something on the internet, stay there forever, so you have to be very carefull and don't post you number, adress , bank  or anythign of the sort because is not safe.
My favorite social media is instagram because you can see cute pictures about people that you care and like, and you see what famous people live, i dont like post everything that i do, but i like to post fun things and laugh whit my friends.


  1. coni I have very carefull whit my privacity on social medias

  2. I'm agree with you, the Internet it's very useful but also can be unsafe if we aren't careful about the information we share. However not always it's our responsability, because there're public platforms that expose the information without our consent...


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